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Ian Fidance's Wild World
By Ian Fidance's Wild World
ComedyNew York4 Followers  37 Episodes
Ian Fidance is an NYC based comedian who has ADD and likes to talk. Wild World is a comedy podcast that interestingly isn't always funny, but funnily enough is always interesting. Will he call an old friend to spin some yarns? Talk to a niche member of the ska music community? Accidentally overshare and ramble? Or will he call his mom Gail to check in? Who knows! Only one way to find out! By listening. That's how you find out. more
Ian Fidance is an NYC based comedian who has ADD and likes to talk. Wild World is a comedy podcast that interestingly isn't always funny, but funnily enough is always interesting. Will he call an old friend to spin some yarns? Talk to a niche member of the ska music community? Accidentally overshare and ramble? Or will he call his mom Gail to check in? Who knows! Only one way to find out! By listening. That's how you find out. less